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the comment below is absolutely correct, when launching with console I get this error when the first dialogue comes up: 

### Exception ###

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at StartDialogue._Process(Double delta) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev\Godot\PolyZero\Junker\3D\Mods\Area\StartDialogue.cs:line 35

   at Godot.Node.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret)

   at Area3DMod.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev\God8

   at StartDialogue.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev8

   at Godot.Bridge.CSharpInstanceBridge.Call(IntPtr godotObjectGCHandle, godot_string_name* method, godot_variant** args, Int32 argCount, godot_variant_cal)

### Logger exception ###

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Godot.NativeInterop.ExceptionUtils.LogException(Exception e)

And you get stuck in here:

Pain, on it

Fixed! My dialogue scripts weren't loading properly. Itch won't let me upload a new build until the Jam is completed so the new release is only on the Github release page for now.

game seems to freeze after moving around a bit - appears stuck on what appears to be a dialog box that doesn't display text and can't be disengaged with